Arturo Anhalt

Arturo Anhalt's Fundraiser

Provide needed financial education to Hispanic families in North America to help them succeed in these challenging times! image

Provide needed financial education to Hispanic families in North America to help them succeed in these challenging times!

I'm running the NYC Marathon to support Qualitas... Donate to my account & make a difference. 100% of the proceeds will be donated... Gracias!


$1,060 towards $5,000

Join me in supporting real change in the Latin American community. Qualitas of Life Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides financial education to Hispanic individuals and their families, to help them improve their standard of living & plan for a better future through education, training & support. Qualitas gives families the opportunity to make a real changes, leaving behind the every day stress & struggles to just get by, giving them the tools to start planning & live successful lives. Please donate today!

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Qualitas of Life Foundation